Bosch control unit for Citroen Peugeot 1.6 HDI
Is from Citroen C4 Picasso 1.6 HDI 80 kw
Looking for a specific part for your Citroën or Peugeot vehicle? Our BOSCH EDC16C34 control unit is an ideal solution for the Citroën C4 Picasso 1.6 HDI. This unit is specially designed to ensure the power optimization and efficiency of your engine, thanks to advanced technologies that Bosch implements into its products.
Our used part comes directly from the Citroën C4 Picasso 1.6 HDI with 80 kW, which ensures great compatibility and reliability. This type of control unit is crucial for proper functionality of your vehicle’s injection system, and its correct selection can significantly affect the overall driving characteristics and fuel consumption.
Technical information
- manufacturer: bosch
- Model: Citroën C4 Picasso 1.6 HDI, Peugeot (Compatible Models)
- Product codes: 028101334, 9666986680, 1943Py, 1943pz, 1677619180
- additional numbers: hw 9653958980
Installation of this control unit is a process that usually requires knowledge and experience with automotive electronics, so we recommend that you keep installation on specialists. Replacement of the control unit may be necessary step in the event of a failure of the old unit, which may manifest itself in an incorrect engine function, increasing fuel consumption or emission problems.
If you want to ensure that your vehicle will function again as new, do not hesitate to invest in quality parts used such as our Bosch control unit. Enhance the ride, reduce consumption and give your vehicle the best it can get.